It’s that time of year again. Time to get together with RP legends, RP supporters, and friends old and new. Our annual Dads Club golf outing is MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 at Galloping Hill Golf Course.
The Roselle Park Dads Club has been at it since 1934, supporting the youth of our community with the same mission for 85 years:
The objective of this organization shall be to work in close cooperation with the high school, coaches, teachers, board of education and governing body of the community in a sincere effort to create a fuller and more productive life for the youth of Roselle Park, believing that in doing so we are helping to make better citizens of tomorrow.
Since the club collects no dues, our sole source of income comes from fundraising and donations. Over the years we’ve donated to the athletic department, sponsored dinners and we annually award scholarships to RPHS graduates. Our biggest fundraiser is this annual golf outing on MONDAY, OCTOBER 17.
Join us for a fun day of golf and/or consider sponsoring this great day on Galloping Hill Golf Course. Click the link below to find out more about the event and sponsorship opportunities.
The cost is $160 per person, which includes RPDC golf umbrella, breakfast, lunch buffet, beverages, greens fees, cart and use of the facility. Venmo available @DadsClubRPHS.
Please contact contact Golf Outing Chairman Mike Leonardis at | or Dan O’Connell | Chad Hemenway with your intent to play and your foursome.
Prizes will be awarded to the first- and second-place teams. There will be hole contests for closest to the pin and longest drive, and prizes will be raffled off.